

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A new Story : The adventures Of a Pioneer

Being a pioneer is hard work. It's exhauting and fun at the same time XD with all the quests and monsters o.o
Well, The new pioneer start ing NPC doesn't give me Exp & Items(GLaziums ) Just because i played long time ago T-T .. now, that is whal i call NO FAIR! sobs..

 and Version 5 is gonna use Shiny crystals currentcy T-T hate it o.o
well, mobs are fun XD but easily will kill ya' if you don't get good armors though >< Espaicially wizards and elems. XD I don't know why but Elementalist's dresses are most beautiful in-game~ The male elems are just plain ugly o.o no offense!~
Same goes for Female wizards , but male wizards are not bad XD
hmm.. but male fighters are just plain handsome >.<" the female ones wears miniskirts o.o Lols!
The male scout looks handsome and hot-ish(lol) in-game with the In-game costume such as Cronian costume!
the female scouts looks ugly when they've got short hair at  the begining >< but once they've got long-hair,, wow o.o not bad..

welll~ byez now ^^